About Me


It’s good to have you here! Look around a bit and feel free to stay if you like it.


Pomponetti should be called…… colorful and versatile ,just like colorful pompons ….I would like to take you with my blog in my home, my everyday life, my world and it would be nice if I may inspire you a little 🙂 On Pomponetti it is primarily about the beautiful sides of life…. most of the time anyway….

My name is Christel, I have just turned 50, have been married to my childhood sweetheart since 1987 and live with my family in beautiful Upper Swabia. My family, that is besides the man of my heart and me our 4 children Anja (29 years), Robin (27 years), Lena (23 years) and Niklas (21 years).

My blog Pomponetti has been around since 2011, and the predominant topics in the beginning were my garden, a few recipes, and my glass beads that I made in my studio and turned into jewelry.

At the time we lived in an old farmhouse with enchanted garden for rent…. until suddenly in 2013 the notice because of personal need fluttered into the house. The farmhouse was to be torn down and make way for a new building. What looked like a catastrophe in the beginning, turned out to be an immense luck in retrospect. After a long search, we found our house (built in 1920), bought it after an even longer odyssey and completely rebuilt it in 4 months.

The love of Scandinavian style of living

Now I could also realize my love for the Scandinavian style of living. So the focus of my blog since the move in mid-2014 shifted to interior and design. This is what is Pomponetti today…..The love of decorating and furnishing, tips and many DIYs, as well as the love of my garden. I’m also passionate about trying out new recipes…. although I prefer baking to cooking ;))

Another focus on my blog is the photography. So with my children also the love for photography was born. Meanwhile, a beautiful hobby has become a profession. Here I always present my work as a portrait and wedding photographer.



About me

About me, Pomponetti

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Meine Wohnbücher

Landhausglück mit Pomponetti
Aus Liebe zum Wohnen, Pomponetti

Meine Kolumne in der Landhaus Living

Meine Kolumne in der Landhaus Living

Landhaus Living 3/2022 Titelbild von Pomponetti

Cover Landhaus Living Pomponetti

Landhaus Living 1/2021 Titelbild von Pomponetti

Cover Landhaus Living Pomponetti

Landhaus Living 4/2019 Titelbild von Pomponetti

Landhaus Living Titelbild

Landhaus Living 2/2018 Titelbild von Pomponetti

Landhaus Living Titelbild Pomponetti

