Spring decoration or May in Pomponetti House and Garden

7. May 2021

Today I show you my spring decorations in the pomponetti house and garden…. In the garden I’m not quite finished yet because of the weather. For a long time you don’t hear from me. But, who follows me on Instagram, knows that I’m fine…. As well as it can go with this situation, just coupled with the weather ;)) I think we are all pissed off…. the lockdown wears on the nerves and isn’t  good for the psyche. But I hold myself bravely! Sometimes more, sometimes less good ….Somehow we have no choice but to make the best of the situation.But I miss the birthday parties, meetings with friends and especially my family on the whole…. But I wouldn’t be Pomponetti if I didn’t make it nice for myself anyway…. That’s why today I invite you to a virtual visit here with me…. to refuel….

Spring decoration or May in Pomponetti House and Garden, Pomponetti

Spring decoration in pomponetti house

Bright colors have moved in here again and lots of flowers 🙂 I had the flower wreath made at a local flower store. It looks so great in my big white tray. The highlight is the thick candle to it.

Flower wreath, Pomponetti
Flower wreath, Pomponetti
Spring decoration or May in Pomponetti House and Garden, Pomponetti
Spring decoration or May in Pomponetti House and Garden, Pomponetti
Spring decoration or May in Pomponetti House and Garden

Even though I love ranunculus more than anything, I’m looking forward to the peony season…..It won’t be long now…. sporadically you can already find them for sale….

Ranunculus bouquet , Pomponetti
Ranunculus bouquet , Pomponetti
Ranunculus bouquet , Pomponetti
Flower wreath, Pomponetti

In the living room, on the other hand, the last tulips have found their place… yes and the bunny cushion must also be put away ;))

Spring decoration or May in Pomponetti House and Garden, Pomponetti
Interior, spring, Pomponetti
Interior, spring, Pomponetti
Spring decoration or May in Pomponetti House and Garden, Pomponetti
Spring decoration or May in Pomponetti House and Garden, Pomponetti
Spring decoration or May in Pomponetti House and Garden, Pomponetti

The garden in beginning of May

Eigentlich hatte ich Mitte April, als es kurzzeitig vom Wetter etwas schöner war, ziemlich vorgelegt. Ich hatte jede Menge Blumen eingekauft und wir haben die Terrasse frühlingsfit gekärchert. Außerdem ist eine neuer großer Gartentisch eingezogen. Unser alter, den wir beim Einzug vor 7 Jahren bei Ikea gekauft haben, hat den Geist aufgegeben….

Yes, we have actually been here 7 years!!! ….how everything has developed after our notice of own need

Spring decoration or May in Pomponetti House and Garden, Pomponetti

This table is now 3.2m long. Long we thought about it and decided to get a really big one. In the long run, the family increases and when all the children are here with partner, we are 10 people. They all have room here in any case 🙂

In the course of this we have enlarged the pergola towards the hanging chair…. But I’m just not quite finished and now hope for nicer weather

Spring decoration or May in Pomponetti House and Garden, Pomponetti
Garden in the beginning of May, Pomponetti
Garden in the beginning of May, Pomponetti
Garden in the beginning of May, Pomponetti
Garden in the beginning of May, Pomponetti

…. oh and the pool is ready for spring. We pumped out the water because there was quite a bit of dust in it from the road construction…. We cleaned it and put fresh water in it. Now we hope for nicer days ;))

Garden in the beginning of May, Pomponetti
Garden in the beginning of May, Pomponetti
Gazebo in spring, Pomponetti
Gazebo in spring, Pomponetti
Gazebo in spring, Pomponetti
Garden in the beginning of May, Pomponetti

I hope you enjoyed my blog post and now wish you a wonderful weekend … The weather should be beautiful!!! Big hugs to you ♥♥♥

I take part in: Friday Flowerday


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