A Secret of Love
My wife got sick. She was constantly nervous because of problems at
work, personal life, her failures and problems with children. She has
lost 30 pounds and weighted about 90 pounds in her 35 years.
She got very skinny, and was constantly crying. She was not a happy
woman. She had suffered from continuing headaches, heart pain and jammed
nerves in her back and ribs. She did not sleep well, falling asleep
only in the morning and got tired very quickly during the day. Our
relationship was on the verge of break up. Her beauty was leaving her
somewhere, she had bags under her eyes, she was poking her head, and
stopped taking care of herself. She refused to shoot the films and
rejected any role. I lost hope and thought that we’ll get divorced soon
… But then I decided to act on it. After all I’ve got the most
beautiful woman on the earth. She is the ideal of more than half of men
and women on earth, and I was the one allowed to fall asleep next to her
and to hug her shoulders. I began to pepper her with flowers, kisses
and complements. I surprised her and pleased every minute. I gave her
lots of gifts and lived just for her. I spoke in public only about her. I
incorporated all themes in her direction. I praised her in front of her
own and our mutual friends. You won’t believe, but she has blossomed.
She became even better than before. She gained weight, was no longer
nervous and she loved me even more than ever. I had no clue that she CAN
love that much.
And then I realized one thing: “The woman is the reflection of her man”
Brad Pitt
Read more at http://www.snopes.com/glurge/secretoflove.asp#wHFJkboBukciVJrI.99
problems at work, personal life, her failures and problems with children. She
has lost 30 pounds and weighted about 90 pounds in her 35 years.
a happy woman. She had suffered from continuing headaches, heart pain and
jammed nerves in her back and ribs. She did not sleep well, falling asleep only
in the morning and got tired very quickly during the day.
was leaving her somewhere, she had bags under her eyes, she was poking her
head, and stopped taking care of herself. She refused to shoot the films and
rejected any role. I lost hope and thought that we’ll get divorced soon…
most beautiful woman on the earth. She is the ideal of more than half of men
and women on earth, and I was the one allowed to fall asleep next to her and to
hug her shoulders. I began to pepper her with flowers, kisses and complements.
I surprised her and pleased every minute. I gave her lots of gifts and lived
just for her. I spoke in public only about her. I incorporated all themes in her
direction. I praised her in front of her own and our mutual friends.
better than before. She gained weight, was no longer nervous and she loved me
even more than ever. I had no clue that she CAN love that much.
And then I realized one thing: “The woman is the reflection
of her man!”
Habt noch einen schönen Abend!! ♥♥♥
A Secret of Love
My wife got sick. She was constantly nervous because of problems at
work, personal life, her failures and problems with children. She has
lost 30 pounds and weighted about 90 pounds in her 35 years.
She got very skinny, and was constantly crying. She was not a happy
woman. She had suffered from continuing headaches, heart pain and jammed
nerves in her back and ribs. She did not sleep well, falling asleep
only in the morning and got tired very quickly during the day. Our
relationship was on the verge of break up. Her beauty was leaving her
somewhere, she had bags under her eyes, she was poking her head, and
stopped taking care of herself. She refused to shoot the films and
rejected any role. I lost hope and thought that we’ll get divorced soon
… But then I decided to act on it. After all I’ve got the most
beautiful woman on the earth. She is the ideal of more than half of men
and women on earth, and I was the one allowed to fall asleep next to her
and to hug her shoulders. I began to pepper her with flowers, kisses
and complements. I surprised her and pleased every minute. I gave her
lots of gifts and lived just for her. I spoke in public only about her. I
incorporated all themes in her direction. I praised her in front of her
own and our mutual friends. You won’t believe, but she has blossomed.
She became even better than before. She gained weight, was no longer
nervous and she loved me even more than ever. I had no clue that she CAN
love that much.
And then I realized one thing: “The woman is the reflection of her man”
Brad Pitt
Read more at http://www.snopes.com/glurge/secretoflove.asp#wHFJkboBukciVJrI.99
A Secret of Love
My wife got sick. She was constantly nervous because of problems at
work, personal life, her failures and problems with children. She has
lost 30 pounds and weighted about 90 pounds in her 35 years.
She got very skinny, and was constantly crying. She was not a happy
woman. She had suffered from continuing headaches, heart pain and jammed
nerves in her back and ribs. She did not sleep well, falling asleep
only in the morning and got tired very quickly during the day. Our
relationship was on the verge of break up. Her beauty was leaving her
somewhere, she had bags under her eyes, she was poking her head, and
stopped taking care of herself. She refused to shoot the films and
rejected any role. I lost hope and thought that we’ll get divorced soon
… But then I decided to act on it. After all I’ve got the most
beautiful woman on the earth. She is the ideal of more than half of men
and women on earth, and I was the one allowed to fall asleep next to her
and to hug her shoulders. I began to pepper her with flowers, kisses
and complements. I surprised her and pleased every minute. I gave her
lots of gifts and lived just for her. I spoke in public only about her. I
incorporated all themes in her direction. I praised her in front of her
own and our mutual friends. You won’t believe, but she has blossomed.
She became even better than before. She gained weight, was no longer
nervous and she loved me even more than ever. I had no clue that she CAN
love that much.
And then I realized one thing: “The woman is the reflection of her man”
Brad Pitt
Read more at http://www.snopes.com/glurge/secretoflove.asp#wHFJkboBukciVJrI.99
A Secret of Love
My wife got sick. She was constantly nervous because of problems at
work, personal life, her failures and problems with children. She has
lost 30 pounds and weighted about 90 pounds in her 35 years.
She got very skinny, and was constantly crying. She was not a happy
woman. She had suffered from continuing headaches, heart pain and jammed
nerves in her back and ribs. She did not sleep well, falling asleep
only in the morning and got tired very quickly during the day. Our
relationship was on the verge of break up. Her beauty was leaving her
somewhere, she had bags under her eyes, she was poking her head, and
stopped taking care of herself. She refused to shoot the films and
rejected any role. I lost hope and thought that we’ll get divorced soon
… But then I decided to act on it. After all I’ve got the most
beautiful woman on the earth. She is the ideal of more than half of men
and women on earth, and I was the one allowed to fall asleep next to her
and to hug her shoulders. I began to pepper her with flowers, kisses
and complements. I surprised her and pleased every minute. I gave her
lots of gifts and lived just for her. I spoke in public only about her. I
incorporated all themes in her direction. I praised her in front of her
own and our mutual friends. You won’t believe, but she has blossomed.
She became even better than before. She gained weight, was no longer
nervous and she loved me even more than ever. I had no clue that she CAN
love that much.
And then I realized one thing: “The woman is the reflection of her man”
Brad Pitt
Read more at http://www.snopes.com/glurge/secretoflove.asp#wHFJkboBukciVJrI.99
Hui, an Dir ist ja eine Floristin verloren gegangen! Wunderschöne Adventskreationen hast Du da gezaubert.
Hallo Christel,
ich nehme auch am liebsten Eibe, doch von der in meinem Vorgarten kann ich (noch) nichts abschneiden. Das Pflänzchen hat mein Vater selbst gezogen. Als es in meinen Garten kam, war es nur 15 Zentimeter klein. Inzwischen ist ein ordentlicher Eibenbusch daraus geworden (ich schätze 80 Zentimeter). Bald bietet er Platz für die Lichterkette von Herrn Schwanenweiß, der steht da total drauf.
Deine beiden Kreationen finde ich sehr gelungen. Mal sehen, wie mein Kranz dieses Jahr ausschaut, am Sonnabend bin ich in Aktion.
Fröhliche Grüße
Hallo liebste Christel, deine Gestecke sind großartig, so schön.
Ich werkele auch jedes Jahr einen anderen Kranz, diesmal ist es eine alte Backform.
Brad Pitts Worte habe ich gerade gelesen, ich denke, es ist wahr, was er schreibt (wenn es von ihm ist) .. dass die Beiden eine große Liebe verbindet, glaube ich schon, das sieht man.
Angelina übernimmt sich allerdings pausenlos, die vielen Kinder sind doch in ihrem Job einfach zu viel, und ob da jedes zu seinem Recht kommt, wage ich zu bezweifeln, wenn sie auf der ganzen Erde herumreist, aber das muss sie entscheiden.
Ich denke so an mich und merke, dass man nur wenige Sachen so richtig und gut machen kann.
Aber jeder, wie er mag und kann *lach* oder?
Ganz herzliche Grüße sendet dir aus dem nieseligen und kalten, düsteren Westerwald, cornelia
HALLÖLE chrischtl:::::OHHHH toll san deine ADVENTSGSCHTEKAL::: gworden…. mah i muas den meinigen NO DE kerzen FEST MACHEN,,, mahhh UND I HOB GAAAAR KEINE lust,,, mal schaun ob is no schaff. VORM sonntag… hob no an gaaanz feinen TOG… bussale.. BIRGIT:::
Liebe Christel,
wunderschön ist deine Adventsdeko geworden!
Ganz viele liebe Grüße zum 1. Adventswochenende
sendet dir Urte 🙂