A summer bouquet with dahlia Cafe au Lait

4. August 2021

How do you start after 6 weeks? So much has happened in the meantime, including an involuntary blog break. The one or the other certainly wondered why nothing new came. But who follows me on Instagram or is present at the Cappuccino Break, knew that I’m doing well and that *only* a blog change was pending. But first there are pictures of my wonderful summer bouquet, which I got shortly before my birthday in mid-July from my dear Birgit sent.

Dahlia Cafe au Lait with vintages roses, Pomponetti

A summer bouquet for birthday with cafe au lait dahlias and vintage roses

The bouquet was a while ago, yet I wanted to show pictures here…. It was one of the most beautiful bouquets I’ve ever had. The dahlias Cafe au Lait, as well as the vintage roses sent me Birgit. Now this is not an advertisement, but I order so much from her, because she has really extraordinary flowers and can always be found at the weekly market in Offenbach 🙂 If someone comes from the corner. In addition, she has not only cut flowers, but you can also find plants with her. A look at her online store is definitely worth it . As I said, an honest recommendation!

Interior Summer dining room, Pomponetti
A summer bouquet  with cafe au lait dahlias and vintage roses
A summer bouquet  with cafe au lait dahlias and vintage roses

Only since last year I am a fan of dahlias and this year again planted a portion in the garden. Maybe one or the other can remember the  Dahlia Islander? This was last year in almost every summer bouquet represented and was really a dream. The dahlia Cafe au Lait, on the other hand, had been eaten by the slugs at the beginning of the summer, came again, but it was too late for a great bloom.

A summer bouquet  with cafe au lait dahlias and vintage roses
A summer bouquet  with cafe au lait dahlias and vintage roses

These I ordered as a bunch from Birgit and selected vintage roses. From the garden I have additionally arranged star umbels. I was myself totally thrilled by the color and fullness.

Roses are difficult here right now, because after a beautiful first rose bloom, they are taking a break. The cold weather and lack of sun this summer…. which is none…. are also a problem for the roses. Plus, of course, all the rain. That’s why I buy my little flowers now and then for Friday Flowerday, which I also could not participate in so long….

Involuntary blog break or time to change

A few years ago I made the switch from blogspot to wordpress on my own. It was far from easy, but it worked out and I was/am mega satisfied…. Not with my hoster though! Since I chose a business tariff at the beginning of the year, which required a data move to another server, nothing worked. Often the blog was unavailable for days…. It was simply the worm in it, while I let the hoster perform the move gladly payment! so I was not responsible for the mess….

Because of some problem I was looking for help and found Justin by chance…. So if you are ever looking for quick help with wordpress problems, he is wonderful! So we decided to change hosters and with the size of my blog it takes one thing…. namely time! Now it’s done and I want to post regularly again… at least once a week ;))

Interior Summer dining room, Pomponetti

What all was going on in the 6 weeks… I’ll report next time 🙂 Have a wonderful day, press you dear ♥♥♥

I participate with: Friday Flowerday


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