Midsummer…. Impressions and ideas for a summer party

29. June 2021

Midsommer, the Swedish celebration of the summer solstice and the beginning of summer is a great opportunity to have a summer party.

Midsommer, Pomponetti

Midsommer, a summer party for the summer solstice

Last year we took the opportunity and celebrated a small Midsommer party with friends.But somehow it did not happen this year. With Corona anyway  everything is more complicated. Despite everything, I wanted to decorate summery again, of course. In addition, we had last week a theme week Midsommer on Instagram. Every day, one of the girls presented her Midsommer idea. My story about it you can find in the highlights saved there.    

Garland Midsommer, Pomponetti

Flower garland

The day before I made another garland for my mirror window. For this I used long grass, lady’s mantle and small rose flowers. This all dries wonderfully. Therefore, I will change the garland again only in August / September, when it is time for a hydrangea garland.

Midsommer, Pomponetti
Tablesetting , Pomponetti

Decoration with lanterns and hanging vases

I refreshed the flowers in my hanging vases above the dining table and hung pink lanterns in the branches above the dining table. This gives a real summery touch right away.

Table decoration Pomponetti


I love to decorate beautiful linen napkins as an eye-catcher. As a napkin ring I have taken here a thick rustic cord and decorated it with flowers. The cord is also available in color, if you prefer.

Table decoration Midsummer, Cointreau Sorbet, Pomponetti
Table decoration Midsummer, Cointreau Sorbet, Pomponetti
Table decoration, Pomponetti
Tablesetting , Pomponetti

Table decoration

Single vases filled with roses, strawberries, lady’s mantle or goutweed are again my favorite table decoration. They do not take very much space and looks beautiful :)Together with a few cherries and candles they make the ideal table decoration for a summer party.

Tablesetting , Pomponetti
Tablesetting , Pomponetti
Tablesetting , Pomponetti
Tablesetting , Pomponetti
Table decoration Midsummer, Cointreau Sorbet, Pomponetti

My favorite dessert

And of course, one of my favorite desserts can not be missing. The Cointreau sorbet, rather a parfait, because there is cream in it. Nevertheless, it is passed down in my family as sorbet…… You find the recipe just here

Table decoration Midsummer, Cointreau Sorbet, Pomponetti
Cointreau Sorbet, Pomponetti
Cointreau Sorbet, Pomponetti

I decorated the dessert with a few cherries and small roses from the garden. Make sure that the roses are not sprayed!

Have you celebrated a Midsummer feast yet? It is such a beautiful occasion ♥

Have a wonderful day, big hugs ♥♥♥

I join in: Friday Flowerday


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