Erica napkin rings for the autumn table, a DIY

17. September 2021

Today I have an autumn table for you, as well as self-tied napkin rings from heather. They are quite easy and quickly made, heather and heather you can find everywhere in the nurseries and garden centers.

I also link you again to the Recipe for these yummy Norwegian Cinnamon Buns. I always spice them up with hazelnut sprinkles…. so delicious!

Table setting autumn with Erika and Heide, Pomponetti

Autumn table decoration with erica and heather

Behind us are gorgeous, almost summery autumn days…. crazy the weather….and so it was obvious to cover the garden table autumnal. For the autumnal table decoration I love heather or heather, preferably of course in the colors pink and pink ;)) This also goes quite wonderfully with orange pumpkins…. but more of that soon…

I really like these strong shades of pink for autumn. For this I decorated apples or as here a wreath of pink pepper berries. In the wooden brick form are broom heather, also called Calluna vulgaris or budding heather. With her, the flower buds remain closed and thus last for months. I arranged millbeckia and a silver candlestick to go with it.

Table setting autumn with Erika and Heide, Pomponetti
Table decoration autumn, Pomponetti
Table setting autumn with Erika and Heide, Pomponetti
Table setting autumn with Erika and Heide, Pomponetti

For the napkin rings I have chosen Erika Gracilis or bell heather. This is not one of the hardy varieties and comes from South Africa. Nevertheless, it is my favorite variety, because the bells open with her and are more pronounced than in the normal hardy budding heather.

Erica napkin rings, DIY pomponetti

DIY napkin rings from heather

Erica napkin rings, pomponetti

You need:

  • thick rustic cord
  • Bouillon Silver wire
  • Erica Gracilis
Erica napkin rings, pomponetti

Cut about 75cm from the string and wrap it 3 times to form a ring about 4-5cm in diameter…. It must still be possible to tie a bow at the end.

Erica napkin rings, pomponetti

Cut branches from the bell heather so long that they can still be tied well…. Not too long, otherwise they can no longer be bent and shaped well.

Erica napkin rings, pomponetti

Now take 2-3 branches of erica and tie them tightly with the fine silver wire at the top of the loop. I always take the bouillon wire which is very fine and looks decorative due to its twisted shape. It is important to tie right at the top that the round shape is created. You can see the wire 😉 Tie the next 2-3 branches a little bit staggered, like a wreath The last piece you put on upside down, that at the top of the loop in each case the tips of the erica touch!  

Erica napkin rings, pomponetti

Finally, tie the ring once or twice with silver wire… and the autumnal napkin ring made of heather is ready. It is also easy to dry. However, you should be a little careful in the dried form, because the bells fall off easily.

You see, very easy and no witchcraft at all… If you have the feeling that after the second round of silver wire still too much of the Erika protrudes, simply wrap the ring with the silver wire until you are satisfied 🙂 There is no such thing as too much or too little here!

Erica napkin rings, Pomponetti
Erica napkin rings for the autumn table, Pomponetti
Erica napkin rings, DIY, Pomponetti

Flowers, soulwarmer and joy

I created the napkin rings from heather for Ideas Workshop from Blumen-1000 gute Gründe. This is a great initiative that wants to make more desire for flowers and plants again. You know, flowers are and remain the most beautiful thing in life for me and there can’t be enough of them. They are soul warmers and comforters, enhance any table decoration and give an incredible amount of joy.

Norwegian Cinnamon buns, Pomponetti
Table setting autumn with Erika and Heide, Pomponetti
Table decoration autumn, Pomponetti
Norwegian cinnamon buns with crumble

By the way, the Norwegian cinnamon buns with crumble are also available in the Baked apple version, very yummy too! Also you find here an other DIY from heather

II hope you enjoyed my little DIY and wish you a wonderful day and a great start to the weekend…. Big hugs ♥♥♥


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