Winterdecor or the sudden emptiness after Christmas

9. January 2020

As every year, here or also on Instagram complaints about the *deco emptiness* after Christmas are loud. What can you leave after Christmas in decoration and what is suitable for winterdecor, if you do not want to let the spring move in yet?


Winterdecor… Tips for decorating between Christmas and spring

Happy New Year, even if the first week of the new year is already over…. Hope you had a wonderful start to the new decade! Twenties… sounds great, doesn’t it?!

But there it is again, the on the one hand pleasant and on the other hand also unusual emptiness after the Christmas opulence 🙂 Therefore, as soon as the Christmas tree is gone, many people completely switch to spring. But you can also decorate in winter….. A few decorative pieces remain from Christmas, a few new things are added. Quite simple, really, isn’t it?



Interior im Winter


The look of Winter

With me, as you can easily see, are the natural colors moved in again. In addition, blankets, furs and pillows may not be missing….This gives the whole apartment a hygge and feel-good atmosphere…

The winterdecor in the pomponetti house includes green tones in the form of moss or blueberry branches. I find blueberry branches quite great. At first they are bare, then after a few days the first leaves appear…. Every now and then they even start to bloom! That’s why I find blueberry greens ideal for winter decorating. I put them alone in the vase, or as an accessory to flowers.

Just a few flowers

That’s the next item on my list….. In January, the first spring bloomers may move in here. Preferably in the color white! However, last year I had an idea to decorate pink tulips for winter.

I planted white hyacinths in jars or my brick mold and covered them with moss. I also have a bouquet of white tulips with spire branches in the vase. Complete the winter flower arrangement with lots of candles on a tray….



Tulpen winterlich dekoriert

Tulpen winterlich dekoriert


The red pixies in the background I have nevertheless cleared away today ;))  Also the stars I’ll put away tomorrow and also the fir green is no longer present ….. I thought I’d leave them for a while, but it was just not round, if you know what I mean…..

But what may now remain of the Christmas decoration?

It moves out more every day, but clearly cones or even my light houses may stay longer…. I’m even considering leaving one or two of my light houses from Räder for the whole year…..

Interior Esszimmer

Es fühlt sich zwar immer etwas leer an… doch auch irgendwie befreiend…. Oder was meinst du?

Interior und Winterdeko

Conclusion… what belongs to the winterdecor for me?

  • Cuddly blankets, pillows, furs and co.
  • Light of all kinds….candles, fairy lights, lanterns and lighthouses
  • Greenery and first spring flowers combined with moss or cones

Have a wonderful evening, big hug to ♥♥♥


I take part in: Friday Flowerday


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